With the show "Illustrated Novel", x-ist continues it’s exhibition season, presenting the latest collection of drawings by Mehmet Guleryuz. Known for his peerless mastery of drawing and the expressiveness of line and contour, Guleryuz is regarded as one of the most influential artists in the Turkey. 'Illustrated Novel' introduces drawings in the form of a loose narrative, reminiscent of journal entries.
Regarding drawing, Mehmet Guleryuz has said, "Drawing is actually a record of ones thoughts, a reflection of both a personal journey and the search for essence." For the careful viewer of Guleryuz’s latest work, the opportunity exists to act as a witness. His latest drawings reflect and give an accounting of daily life, the recent past, and provide an intimate window to the interior of man in general and the artist himself. The drawings which originate in immediate impressions of reality sublimate, after a fashion, finding fuller expression as transcendent documents of a very personal journey in the established tradition of literary works.
That eye not satisfied with the visible, the desire to be the observed, spurs the act of drawing.
How much of what is understood (perceived, comprehended) was the initial curiosity.
Setting the board (table) triggered by the provocation of form, that trickle from intellect to flesh, the accumulation congeals... clots... the flow (is dependent on) can only be sustained with the proliferation of wounds opened with a sharp point.
Then don't stop...draw, take that blade to yourself.
The incomprehensable journey is the essence of life – the record is no strager to the Novel – to the Illustrated Novel.