Nalan Yirtmaç's Kopenhag show - "My Good Life"

Ağustos 2010

Works by Turkish Contemporary artist Nalan Yirtmaç will be shown in the exhibit Anne Scole Overgaard vs Nalan Yirtmaç in DG Danske Grafikere Gallery (Kopenhag, Denmark). The selection of work in the show is titled "My Good Life" consisting of collages and spray/stencil pieces, the works revolve around the theme of urban transformation projects focusing on the suburbs of Istanbul. In her collages, Yirtmaç uses the photographs she took between 2008-2010, during the destruction of Sulukule, the Romany(Gypsy) part of Istanbul as the real base for her works.


The exhibit can be seen between August 6th-September 5th 2010.